Subverge – Xoubec

[reviewed by: Peter Marks]

Between perceptions and vanishing points is where ‘Xoubec’ has been conjured. Second by second is perhaps how this has been organized; a technological and organic manifestation. In order to digest such a thick and complex offering it’s recommended that you focus intently.

These threads routinely crisscross giving no warning as to where they’ve ventured; one track after the next points only at a vague outline. If anything they exist at each point lighting out their sinisterly interior codes. Massaging through one’s lobes oozes out numerous opposite effects which grimly lap between these pieces.

Exhibiting these tactile moments; descriptions abounding.

“Dreyfus” while swimming deliberately also contains it’s own hidden agenda- flushing out “The Seer” who intern is wrapped further beyond any perceptions. “Muted Dreamscapes” brings you into contact with a rusted hold, seething with a relentless percussive wrath; it is truly a sight to behold as those writings have been coxed out.  

We have now drifted along, suspended by these nine unending processions which glide -giddily?- to their own destination… Subverge’s wraiths release their rays. I’ve been abducted hour after hour from his latest release; as this project grows darker these tomes may yet manifest themselves. Those thoughts are now subverting, digging right into the foundation.

Henrik Karlsson’s graceful albums continue to prob well past those safe and cozy boundaries; an acidic burn is now pleasuring my ears.

Arcane Dirge, 6th Dirge
CD/Digital 2024

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