Memories of the Forgotten – Forestlands

[reviewed by: Peter Marks]

Enveloping those cocoons, passing through the forest; all manner of needles float down from where each note sets them free. Pine, fir and conifer cascade effortlessly. They are met by a rolling stream which exists continually. 

Silence gravitating; this gentle nessling creatures burrow into the moss, reflecting over the years now passed.

Just hanging in the air we feel as though each and every nuance has been carefully considered. Looking over such a wide panoramic makes me feel I’m beholding this from a balcony high above; each and every memory flows through these pieces providing not only those effortlessly composed views but a slow manifesting comfort.

Life itself has been captured from this project who quite obviously venture quietly, nearly invisible; walking through what I’m currently playing splendidly wrap into my own stems. Farther and farther until my synapses have been touched…this is where one’s musings dance.

Take what you wish out of these deliciously ordered sounds; never expect any sudden abrupt endings because there aren’t any to be found on ‘Forestlands’. Those birds come across as yet another fascinating discovery; to find these melodic traces sends me even further inside, where lies one word.


Memories of the ForgottenForestlands
Self Released
Digital 2024

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